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Carol Casey

Carol Casey

Carol is a guest blogger for Marsden Marketing.

Carol Casey

Carol Casey
Carol is a guest blogger for Marsden Marketing.

Posts by Carol Casey :

June, 24 2014

B2B Video Questions Answered – from Timing to Pricing to Trends

B2B Marketing Digital Marketing

B2B companies in 2014 are spending more money on content and an increasing share of those dollars is going to video-based content. There are a wide variety of video storytelling techniques available t[...] Read More

June, 03 2014

3 Great Infographics About Digital Marketing Best Practices

B2B Marketing Digital Marketing

As digital marketers, we urge our clients to use visual storytelling through infographics, images, and video to help prospects understand solutions and put data in context. The same premise applies to[...] Read More

May, 06 2014

The Impact of Fonts on B2B Website Design and Branding

Digital Marketing Branding and Design

For a long time consumer brands seemed to have all the font fun. After all they were trying to engage with consumers. B2B was the stodgy older brother when it came to font creativity since they were s[...] Read More

April, 22 2014

How to Use Special Characters in HubSpot Email Subject Lines

Content Marketing

Last week, we wrote about using special characters in blog titles and email subject lines. In that post, we gave pros and cons for using this strategy and potential benefits and pitfalls. The short an[...] Read More

September, 22 2013

Video Marketing Done to Perfection #KitKat

Branding and Design

Apple announced a signficant new upgrade to its iPhone operating system this week. It made me think about a video advertorial by Nestle forwarded to me by a colleague a few weeks ago. The video exalte[...] Read More

August, 09 2013

Warren Buffett and Me and Social Media

Digital Marketing Demand Generation and ABM

I am starting to see similarities between Warren Buffett and myself. Read More

July, 02 2013

What the You Should Learn from Paula Deen's Communication Disaster

Branding and Design

July couldn't come fast enough for Paula Deen. June was a train wreck. She saw her carefully built culinary brand implode with accusations of racist remarks and what seemed like impulsive and emotiona[...] Read More

June, 12 2013

The Case of the Missing B2B Case Studies

Content Marketing Marketing Strategy and Planning Demand Generation and ABM

Case studies are one of the most powerful tools a company can invest in for Content Marketing. There are few marketing pieces more persuasive to prospects than reading about how other companies use yo[...] Read More


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