Not long ago, the industry speculated that email marketing might be passé for the modern marketer. Instead of fizzling out, however, email marketing has evolved thanks to the inbound marketing methodology and the development of tools like marketing automation.
In fact, HubSpot, a leader in the marketing automation & inbound marketing industry, found that companies using email to nurture leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads and at a 33% lower cost. And nurtured leads, on average, produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities compared to non-nurtured leads.So, you’re ready to ramp up your email marketing program, but aren’t sure where to start? Whether you’re sending out a content offer, newsletter, or company announcement, here are a few key components to include in every e-mail you send.
1. Company Branding![emailtemplate-1](
If you’re like us, your email inboxes are most likely flooded by 11 a.m. on weekdays. It’s important that people who open your email be able to immediately recognize whom the correspondence is from. Be sure that all your email templates have been designed to include your logo and brand colors.
2. Your Unique Value Proposition
Due to ever-dwindling attention spans of today’s email recipients, it’s important that your email content clearly address the value of your offer. Use elements like statistics, bullet points and links to state your UVP and get that click.
3. Call-to-Action
Attracting your prospects via a call-to-action is a critical element of permission-based marketing. Every email should include a button, image, or link that supports whatever your conversion goal for the email is.
4. Relevant Images
65% of people prefer emails with images rather than just text, according to HubSpot. Be sure to include attention-grabbing, powerful images that support your unique offer.
5. Social Sharing Buttons
Including social sharing links in your email will help extend your reach. Including these buttons makes it easy for recipients to share your offers with their own extended networks.
6. Unsubscribe/CAN-SPAM Link
In order to comply with CAN-SPAM regulations, your email footer should contain a clear “unsubscribe” link, and a link that allows recipients to update their email preferences. This is a must for all email senders, as not complying could results in significant damage to your sender credibility, and can also results in fees or litigation.
Want more tips on how to optimize your emails for conversion? Download Marsden Marketing’s eGuide, “The Must-Have Guide for Highly Effective Emails” today!